I hope you share it. Sometimes we hear the word addiction, but it’s associated with porn, hot porn, sexual or sex-related content, or the adult industry in general. It gets mixed up with what other people think, but if you say, “My addiction, the amount of time and the quality of time I spend with hot porn models in these spaces, is negatively impacting what’s important,” then for me, in my daily life, it feels like a problem. Then it’s problematic.
The reason I share this is because we need to recognize what the problem is for us, as opposed to what other people perceive as a problem. In this scenario, it seems like you’re clearly expressing that you don’t like the act, the time, and the quality of time you put into affairpage porn because you don’t like the results in your blog about real-life escorts. Life, I don’t like that. I have to be careful when I say “real life” because affairpage porn is the real world. We share real-time and real space. But I get what you mean – your blog about real-life escorts.
It seems like what’s going on in your affairpage porn world doesn’t necessarily directly relate to what’s going on in real life on your escort blog. Take a moment and think about what you want to improve about your current escorts blog. Maybe affairpage porn serves as a form of escape for you. Or maybe it’s a place you go to enjoy things you never had the space to open up to or share with your girlfriend before. These are some questions you need to ask yourself and open the door to talk to your girlfriend about these things. You may realize that some of the things that happen in affairpage porn are not real in an escort blog, and maybe you should talk about that.
Sometimes we need to tell our escorts blog partners, “What I enjoy in porn is interacting with sex workers online.” Or maybe these are the things I like about the game that you might not find in our escort blog. It’s what you’ve given me and I value love and I adore them.”
This is a lot of food for thought about how we can categorize these things without necessarily hurting our escorts blog partners or taking away what we might like. Now about the word addiction. I want you all to know that we have a choice as to whether the activities we participate in negatively impact our daily lives. Our daily activities include going to work, taking care of ourselves, eating, grooming, getting up and taking care of our bodies, being responsible for our lives, and how we manage our escorts blogs. Think about things like this: Are we spending too much time with our virtual friends and neglecting our escort blogs? I keep saying that I want to avoid talking in real life because our hot porn affairpage friends are in real life. Personally, it makes a difference. Right? So am I neglecting the time I have with friends I know personally? If so, what can I do that they can’t?
I think there’s room for a little more balance, to feel good about my hobbies, do the things I enjoy here, and experience the things I enjoy in my personal life on my escorts blog.