Hentai porn videos are becoming more complicated with each passing day, and the code of hentai porn videos has changed a lot in the last couple of years. Today, hentai porn videos are more diverse and specific, so they can meet the needs of a broader range of people, so we can easily say that things are no longer black and white when it comes to porn videos, but rather a large gray area.
This gray area includes some new terms that have entered the hentai porn video jargon of 2024, terms that are useful to know and understand, whether we are talking about hentai escort porn videos, soft hentai porn, or traditional hentai porn videos.
Breadcrumbing is defined as a hentai porn video between two people, where one is fully committed to doing the work of the hentai porn video. At the same time, the other avoids solid commitment and leads the other partner… This leaves breadcrumbs so that the other partner gets enough time and love to maintain interest in the hentai porn videos while the breadcrumber is always an arm’s length away from the hentai porn videos.
We all know what it technically means to be in a hentai porn video – exclusivity, commitment, loyalty, etc., but do you know what it means to be in a ship situation?!
The term ship situation began to be widely used in 2023 when people had to put a label on a type of hentai porn video that was becoming increasingly common among young people.
Being in a ship situation means that both partners agree to be ambiguous about the hentai porn video they are in and the future of that hentai porn video. A hentai porn video implies, as we said above, a commitment and an agreed-upon future together; a Friends with benefits type of hentai porn video means that both partners mutually agree to label their hentai porn video as a friendship with sexual intimacy involved; This is already very well-known and often used. Ghosting is when someone you know suddenly disappears, usually without leaving a message, call, text, or note.
But now, in 2025, ghosting has a sibling: submarines!
In an era where all hentai porn videos must be labeled, and the status of hentai porn videos must be discussed in advance, coaching can quickly arise.
Say someone beats you when you go out with a specific person who thinks you’re seeing them exclusively (this means you only see one person, without seeing anyone else in between), while the other person flirts – continues to see other people, with the excuse that “you didn’t have an exclusivity discussion first!”
From soft launch to orbit to digging, underwater, and breadcrumbs, there are so many new types of hentai porn videos. What is your status on hentai porn videos? Have you encountered any of the above situations?