There are pros and cons to working as a professional cheap escort, and while the benefits are real and very significant, there are also some shady things to look out for when pursuing this profession.
You can never be too careful in this job, especially when meeting new people daily. You may reject some of them or hurt their feelings by not accepting their favors. So be vigilant regarding new clients seeking cheap escorts and screen them accordingly.
It may be tempting to wander around the city in a cloud and daydream, but as a professional cheap escort, you should always pay special attention to the people around you, their actions, appearances, and movements. Because you never know when it might happen: Someone shady is following you!
Having a stalker as a Worcester Central MA escort is not uncommon, but it can lead to potentially dangerous situations. That’s why it’s important to know what types of stalkers there are and how to deal with them if necessary!
Rejected Stalker
This is the most common and potentially dangerous type of stalker. After you reject him once or find a cheap escort, he will continue to chase you after you reject his attempts to book you thereafter.
Vicious Stalker
He is very dangerous because he may be paranoid and try to scare you. He may not start stalking again but may continue stalking the victim. He may feel that you are not treating him right and that you are intentionally putting his manhood in a bad light. Actions such as being outed by friends may do more harm than good, so you should consider legal action.
Predatory Stalker
He is probably the most dangerous guy in that he has already been convicted of a sex offense and wants to harass the victim sexually. So if you have just turned down a client and that client is unhappy about it and now you feel that you are being followed, be very careful, contact the authorities, do not go alone with a cheap escort and ask a friend for help. Do not walk alone on the streets or in the seedy parts of the city because you feel safe, travel with a friend or family member or have someone accompany you.
In addition, a predictable schedule will help the stalker track your movements. So skip your routine, such as the time to go for a run, the time to go to the gym, or the time to go grocery shopping. Predatory stalkers will not warn you about their dangerous intentions, so you should be a little more paranoid about your safety.
Socially maladjusted stalker
They are often intellectually limited and struggle to adapt to social norms and communicate with women. He is trying to get in touch with you and wants more than just sex. This type of stalker is interested in developing a relationship and will act accordingly. He does not have romantic feelings for you; he wants to win your attention and favor. He needs treatment; otherwise, he will look for another stalker victim after making your life miserable!
How do I deal with a stalker?
Dealing with a stalker can be tricky, as there is no perfect approach that will ensure your safety 100% and make him stop stalking. The best way to get the best results against a stalker is to combine the help of a mental health facility with the help of a police officer who can dissuade him from dangerous behavior.
Threats can do more harm than good!
If someone you know “talks” to the stalker and accompanies him to stop stalking you, this can do more harm than good. It may provoke or humiliate the stalker, making it even more dangerous for the stalker to take responsibility for the victim. Therefore, do not take matters into your own hands, as direct actions may provoke his aggressive behavior.
Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security!
While a restraining order can help you deal with a stalker, it may be a false sense of security. Instead, filter the clients you are about to meet, choose home visits in public places instead of at the client’s home, and try clients you know before. Try not to stick to a daily routine, so your schedule is unpredictable to the stalker, and try to have a friend nearby when you are not in crowded public places.
Meaningful days trigger stalkers!
Pay special attention to the days your stalker received a restraining order or court hearing or any days that may have special meaning to the stalker, such as your birthday, the day you first met a cheap escort or holidays.
On such days or events, his narcissistic personality or sense of humiliation may come to the fore, and he may do more than follow you. So, during such events, try to go out of town or stay at a friend’s house. Please don’t keep it to yourself, and don’t confront the stalker alone.
These are some of the actions you can take if you feel that someone is stalking you. However, remember that you should never confront a stalker on your own, as it may hurt his self-esteem and cause him to become aggressive towards you. Leave the job to the authorities, and in the meantime, stay as safe as possible and stay away from him.