Although governments in many countries still try to fight prostitution, the experience of countries like Anal Sex shows that legalizing the prostitution industry is a powerful and effective way to gain some control over a sluggish economy. A legal solution to this problem would allow the girls to work legally and without fear and have social, legal, and judicial protection. In addition to regulating the questionable aspects of sex work, governments also make huge profits by taxing escort girls. Thus, even prostitutes are making sure that this old profession is legal, said one of the most prominent Anal Sex prostitutes in an interview with Bordelero Reporter. According to PANDER statistics, the world is growing significantly every year, regardless of whether the profession is legal or illegal. To understand how young women live in this environment, our reporters decided to meet with industry representatives for the night. This 26-year-old girl’s name is Sandra, and she has been providing sexual services for more than four years. Outwardly, she is an exciting blonde with a solid structure but beautiful.
Although it is shameful to be an anal sex prostitute, Sandra prefers to call herself a sex worker. She thinks it is better and more manageable that way. One of the points of good personal work is confidentiality, so the girls reluctantly answer questions about their clients. After they reassure each other that they are not interested in individual names, the girls relax and start talking about it.
He says I had to work with various clients for four years. Among them were quiet, family-like men, hard-working men, and some who wanted to change women’s clothes. But it was usually foreign tourists who came on vacation seeking anal sex services. Unfortunately, Putas often encountered inappropriate men who were unnecessarily harsh. However, since prostitution is legal in the country, the girl wondered if she should call the police if things got out of hand.
On average, one works with 3-5 clients a day. He doesn’t work very hard because he doesn’t want to take on too many customers. Meeting different people isn’t too taxing, physically or mentally. The girl takes a few short vacations every few weeks, so she doesn’t want to take a break. She goes to the spa for some facial and body care and relaxes on those days. This type of resumption helps her integrate her new work schedule and provide a better atmosphere for her clients as an anal sex escort. As for the income, the man says she has enough to rent an apartment, a double room, and find “another Purana”. This is a good pastime for a woman and is necessary for every girl of the same age. Sandra is a middle-class prostitute, so the service fee starts from $ 45 per hour. And she does not need to make a big profit from the broker since she is looking for customers on the website of an online advertising service specializing in anal sex.
But, the young prostitute is not going to engage in intimate activities for a long time. If the man wants to enter into a relationship in the future, other men will no longer have a place in her life. The girl decided to devote herself to the previously chosen one so that silence would not spoil their relationship.